OPC Studio User's Guide and Reference
List of Component Packages
Fundamentals > Development Fundamentals > Product Parts for Development > Component Packages > List of Component Packages
In This Topic

Runtime Packages

The tables below list the main OPC Studio component packages.

The strings in bold are the package names (IDs) that are used throughout this documentation, although the actual package name for specific type of package may differ, as indicated in the tables (for example, Python package for "Opclabs.QuickOpc" is actually named "opclabs_quickopc").

Name NuGet Package Python Package ZIP Package Description
OpcLabs.QuickOpc OpcLabs.QuickOpc opclabs_quickopc n/a OPC client and subscriber components for all environments and project types (for .NET Framework and .NET 6+ target platforms).
OpcLabs.QuickOpc.Forms OpcLabs.QuickOpc.Forms n/a Components that are specific for Windows Forms (some, such as dialog components, can be used from WPF as well).
OpcLabs.QuickOpc.Wpf OpcLabs.QuickOpc.Wpf n/a n/a Components that are specific for WPF.

Following are the main OPC Wizard component packages:

Name NuGet Package Python Package ZIP Package Description
OpcLabs.OpcWizard OpcLabs.OpcWizard n/a n/a OPC server components for all environments and project types (for .NET Framework and .NET 6+ target platforms).

Component packages with OPC Studio examples:

Name NuGet Package Python Package ZIP Package Description
OpcLabs.OpcStudio.Sample.CS OpcLabs.OpcStudio.Sample.CS n/a n/a Console-based OPC Studio examples in C# (source code).
OpcLabs.OpcStudio.Sample.VB OpcLabs.OpcStudio.Sample.VB n/a n/a Console-based OPC Studio examples in VB.NET (source code).

In some scenarios, described in the documentation, you may need one or more of the additional component packages:

Name NuGet Package Python Package ZIP Package Description
OpcLabs.Mqtt OpcLabs.Mqtt opclabs_mqtt OpcLabs.Mqtt Provides MQTT communication features, using the System.Net.Mqtt library.
OpcLabs.MqttNet OpcLabs.MqttNet opclabs_mqttnet OpcLabs.MqttNet Provides MQTT communication features, using the MQTTnet library and its extensions.
OpcLabs.Pcap OpcLabs.Pcap opclabs_pcap OpcLabs.Pcap Provides Ethernet (and UDP) communication features, using the PacketDotNet and SharpPcap libraries.

Development Packages

Development packages contain functionality that is only used during development, and not in runtime. The assemblies of the development packages do not get referenced by your project. 

Name NuGet Package Python Package ZIP Package Description
OpcLabs.QuickOpc.Design OpcLabs.QuickOpc.Design n/a n/a Design-time features of QuickOPC.


All NuGet packages are available from www.nuget.org , and are also placed on the disk locally by the Setup program.

All Python packages are available from https://pypi.org/ , and are also placed on the disk locally by the Setup program.

Links for download of ZIP packages are in the appropriate places in the documentation or Knowledge Base.

See Also

